The woodturning club I’m in is still making wig stands for cancer patients, distributing them through the Susan G. Komen breast cancer centers. (Really sad that as many as we donate, they’re gone to new patients immediately.) They don’t take very long to make and I’m pretty sure those with cancer appreciate them, so at the last meeting, I picked up 4 kits. One is walnut, which I haven’t decided what I want to make out of it. I’m pretty sure there are specific laws against painting walnut, or at least there should be. The other three were maple and birch. Pretty boring wood, that would end up looking brown and round. I decided to dip them, just to add some color and some texture. If anyone’s done the hydro-dipping with spray paint, I will warn you again it is s sloppy, gloppy mess! I like the results, but wear gloves, do it somewhere that a splatter zone won’t cause problems, take care the over-spray doesn’t paint things you don’t want painted, and be careful not to breathe in the paint as it hits the water and bounces off. Huffing paint is still illegal and unhealthy.
Here are the finished products.
Hopefully, whoever gets them will appreciate the work. More so, that they get through the treatments and live a long and fulfilled life.