I found a piece of ash that I had started at some point, but stopped for reasons I can’t remember. The final shape was done, but it looked like I had only finished the initial sanding. Looking at the piece, I remembered that I had something very specific in mind, but for the life I me, I couldn’t remember what my initial intent had been. I decided to chuck it back up, complete the rest of the sanding, and hopefully I’d be able to remember what I was thinking. When I was finished sanding, I looked at the grain pattern and remembered that I had intended to use a blowtorch on it to accentuate the grain. that would also explain why I hadn’t finished sanding, thinking I would do that after the torch work was done.
The new idea was to get some practice with the airbrush and see if I could do a little better blending the colors. Rather than try to blend three colors into a gradient, I settled on two and did a pretty good job of making the orange blend into the yellow. To make the colors more striking, I decided to paint the outside black. For a practice piece, this turned out pretty good!